A Little Bit More About Me
I have loved the woods and water since I was a young barefoot blonde 80’s boy. I’ve caught and hunted my own food since I was a kid, and have even survived on a deserted island (by choice). If my wife, the family, comedy or nature isn’t calling, you’ll find me weight training, kickboxing, or maybe just sitting on the couch with my wife watching relationship reality TV. She makes me. I once was a State of Florida chess champion. I almost beat Joe Rogan in a game of pool. I once worked with the Mafia (I didn’t know). I’ve been to Federal prison once (they just made a mistake). I have a serious addiction to the ocean, podcasts, sunflower seeds, new experiences and randomness. I talk to strangers, and too much. I am sure you can tell by reading this long story.
To go a little deeper. I was raised by an emotionally and physically abusive father, and was bread to excel in sports. My only focus was to play college and professional football. A repeated injury in college, and me finally realizing I’m not 6’4 250lbs combined, and the only thing I thought I was meant to do, was over.
Craving for the thrill and rush the field offered, I chose a life of drug dealing. That life began to entwined with operating and brokering nightclubs. I faced some close legal and life calls living like that. Eventually, and within a 24 hour window, I would leave my life as a Distribution Specialist and Nightclub Consultant, my long-term relationship, all of my friends, give away most of my possessions and embarked on a walkabout of sorts. I vagabonded from the Florida Keys, to the mountains of Tennessee, even to the “The Rez” in New Mexico. I was taking hard labor jobs to support the “travel”. I met and spoke with some much wiser people from all walks of life. I wrote a lot. I read a lot. I questioned a lot of my own B.S.. My choices, experiences, and even my perceptions. I even altered my fun-gi(uy) perceptions often during this journey. After roughly two years of living like that I felt I had to come home. But this time I wanted to help others. I know that is cliche’. However, my Mom convinced me I could do that. I ended up becoming a Mental Health Counselor, wrote a mental help book, was a guest on Joe Ro…well, you read the beginning if you’re still here. Somehow, all that has led me to stand-up comedy. Maybe laughter really is the best medicine?
For more of my thoughts on my own meandering in this wildly amazing human experience…
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