Adam Lowery
The Cognitive Rampage, a scientific approach to self discovery, change, and life optimization.
Fusing the cognitive, behavioral, environmental, neurological and biological sciences into a book.
Written by Adam Lowery
“The perfect innovative guide to discover new ways to think about your beliefs and change your life!”
– Dr Jack Kruse
Neurosurgeon / Health Educator
"Athlete's Depression" Coming Soon!
My new book “Athletes Depression” is coming!
I am the theorist behind the Athletes Depression Diagnosis.
What is Athletes Depression?
I experienced Athletes Depression (A.D) for nearly a decade. I believe this should be a diagnosis within the Diagnostic Statistic Manual of mental health disorders (the DSM). AD hosts a different etiology as compared to its main misdiagnoses (and most currently related) Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, Bipolar, and even Identity Dissociative Disorder. These are the most popular misdiagnoses related to Athletes Depression.
In short, being raised as a high performance athlete from childhood, and playing only as far as high school or colligently, especially professionally, creates a 50-75% increase in the probability the athlete will experience severemental health issues. The manifestation of Athletes Depression contains a similar and unfortunate common etiology that leads to the popular misdiagnoses. Childhood athlete to adult athlete creates the individual to determine personal value by performance. A mental manifestation of direct sport programming meant to develop a resistive consciousness and one who is less likely to ask for help (this is also beneficial). This naturally creates a cognitive dissonance toward any possibility of “perceived weakness”. In this sense I am categorizing the existing social stigma surrounding mental health. Meaning, most athletes do not seek mental health help and choose to fight it on their own. Combined with the lengthy exposure to hyper vigilant environments and situations being linked to highly rewarding states, this begins the conditioning of the body and mind to need, continue seek, and in many cases, cause the individual to consciously create hyper-vigilant environments and situations to return the body and mind to these rewarding states. Many times this manifests in very high risk situations, people and behavior. The bigger risk the better. A cycle begins to emerge. The hardworking, non fearing, non “weak” athlete fights for varying lengths and “wins”. It may even appear as if they are overworking, working perpetually or appear manic. Eventually the individual will “lose” for various reasons (lengthy explanation), generally based on cyclic emotional choices, behaviors and self created environments. This sets in a “I lost” mindset that can last weeks, months or even years. Due to value of self being trained to be measured in performance (behaviorally, cognitively and socially), depression and severe self judgement begins and can last lengthy periods of time. The vigilance to which the individual fights the depression many times begins with the first misdiagnosis of ADHD. This overtime combines with severe depressive episodes, and other symptomatic issues begin to emerge; addiction, violence and intense anger. Feelings and thoughts as far as self harm can begin to emerge. At first, second or even third assessment, overtime the criterium appears as if the depression, ADHD and even bipolar diagnosis is present. In reality the athlete is, has been, and will continue to cycle this way due to “Athletes Depression”, NOT the above mentioned misdiagnoses. Athlete’s social development is another major factor. Their social acceptance, placement and identity is defined by the sport or position the play. An athlete’s development life stages are more heavily influenced than the non-athlete social environment. The manifestation and etiology of Athletes Depression has gone undetected, and has indirectly caused misdiagnosing to spin athletes, and especially x athletes lives seemingly out of control. Leaving the individual with thoughts and feelings their mental health struggles are different than any therapist, and especially any partner or family member can understand. The Athletes are left on the killing fields alone and depressed.
#AthletesDepression #AthleteRevelations #CognitiveRampage #AthleteMentalTraining
2ND EDITION: A Scientific Approach to Self Discovery, Change, and Life Optimization
Available now on Amazon. If you purchased the 1st edition (Kindle or Print) email us picture proof and we will email you a FREE electronic copy of the 2nd edition!
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1ST EDITION (no longer in print)
Back of the Book:
Your authentic self has been buried. Layer by layer, life has done its work and you can no longer be seen beneath your pain, fear, addiction, anger, apathy. But these things that happened to you, the choices you made or the deeds that shame you, do not have to be you.
This is the excavation of the authentic you, the you that will embrace what life has brought you but not be defined by it.Rather it will become your power. You will learn to move through anger and fear to examine the irrational beliefs that are holding you back. You will discover where your life transitions are leading you, what they are challenging you to do. You will experiment with joy until you experience passion. Then you will learn why passion isn’t enough. In the end, you will reveal your authentic self and when you do, you won’t have to find purpose. Purpose will find you.
4 Principles Of Change
3 Tools Of Change (real psychological weapons backed by science)
1. “Rational Self-Analysis” (RSA) to reveal, identify and reframe negative core and concrete beliefs, to stop irrational thinking and to control emotions and change behaviors.
2. “Your Life Philosophy” (LP) will be revealed so you can make life choices more easily and avoid guilt, regret and shame.
3. Your “Interest-to-Enthusiasm Inventory” (I-to-E) to discover hidden passions and many paths to authentic happiness!
From The Book Series Podcast & Youtube
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The only book you’ll need.
Lotsa wisdom, thought provoking and changes my mind completely on how I should be looking at life and my goals. Unlike any other self help books , this actually works! This book worth more than its price.
A great book by a outside the box thinker
Adam Lowery did a fantastic job. Do yourself a favor and pick up this book for a read that will jog the mind and stimulate your thought process.
A Must Read!
This is a must read for anyone who values what it means to just be. Outstanding reality check!!
This book will allow you to better understand yourself and others
The people that have the most influence on me are people that help me grasp concepts that I was previously unaware of. That is what real change is all about. Adam has that gift in abundance. This book will allow you to better understand yourself and others.
The strength of this book is that besides being a great story and a quick read, it delivers a life philosophy that is disgustingly brilliant. Step by step, the author provides three tools to build your life plan and establish a healthy core routine. Definitely will be putting it on my bookshelf.
When Life Get Too Hard
If you feel like life has gotten too complicated, you’ve made too many mistakes, or that you’ve lost your way, this book will lead you home. The section on irrational beliefs is invaluable! Check it out but be prepared! Your life will change.
But it’s definitely a great resource to help get your head in position to …
What this man brings is a new and encouraging thought process. His thoughts and words are up-lifting. I don’t think I would classify this as a self-help book, it’s too thought provoking for that. But it’s definitely a great resource to help get your head in position to succeed. Definitely worth a read.
It truly changed my life for the better and the book will definetly change anyone who reads it
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