The Cognitive Rampage, A Scientific Approach to Self Discovery, Change and Life Optimization
We are brought to you by Vermont Pure CBD Wellness Full Spectrum Products
We are brought to you by Vermont Pure CBD Wellness Full Spectrum Products
Grant Jakubowski & Aubrey Marcus
Founder of Vermont Pure CBD Full Spectrum Wellness Products. Grant Jakubowski drops his #CBD competence as we go deep into the weeds. Grant began in the fall of 2017 with the intention of producing the worlds most superior horticultural products. With 2 decades of combined horticultural experience ranging from greenhouse production, laboratory work, to large scale field operations of both ornamental and vegetable crops, as well as first hand experience in conventional and certified organic production on the small team in Vermont.
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Tony Wright has been developing a theory explaining why our distant ancestors evolved an incredibly rare symbiotic brain that exhibited exceptional abilities, extraordinary perception and a sense of self the lies almost beyond our current comprehension. The same theory presents a clear diagnosis as to why our symbiotic brain has quite literally been eroding away with its associated traits and abilities having virtually disappeared. This has left us in an extremely delusional and self destructive state of mind and yet we are blind to the severity of the situation. Finally and most importantly, if the above diagnosis is accurate, it offers a powerful combination of treatments that can begin to
quickly restore the kind of abilities and sense of self alluded to in ancient mythological and spiritual traditions.If the theory is valid and the project is successful it will have a huge impact on how we as a species perceive ourselves and respond to the enormous challenges we face.
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