THE COGNITIVE RAMPAGE PODCAST #53: Dr. Bobby Hoffman Leading Researcher and Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the School of Teaching, Learning and Leadership at the University of Central Florida, Author of Motivation for Learning and Performance.
Topics in short-hand: learning styles are not real – No such thing as intrinsic motivation? – Re-packaging of ideas in academia and on the web = plagiarism? – Procrastination is a form of protection? – Do you really perform better last minute? – Gladwell didn’t come up with the 10,000 hour theory btw – Beliefs versus thoughts – Defining beliefs and reality – Separable Outcome and Self Determination Theories – Confidence trumps equal talent – Why we push to make sense of the world and find purpose – Why ask why – Depression and anxiety are protective mechanisms – Lesson directly from Bernie Madoff’s mouth a week ago – Be careful where you sit in meetings and others places, you could be telling on yourself. Oh yeah, we talked about motivation and drive amidst all of this.

Dr. Bobby Hoffman Author of Motivation, Learning and Performance
Associate Professor in the School of Teaching, Learning & Leadership at the University of Central Florida #UCF is a 2006 graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas #UNLV with a PhD in Educational Psychology. He joined UCF in August 2006 after a 20-year career in human resources consulting with the world’s most successful companies #GE, #NBC, #KPMG, the #NBA -Currently, Hoffman teaches a variety of classes at the graduate level in #motivation, #learning, #cognition, and #intelligence —Dr. Hoffman has numerous scholarly publications in leading scientific journals in the field of educational psychology. Additionally, he has authored over thirty publications in the field of management and organizational development related to his previous consulting practice. His current line of research focuses upon motivation and specifically on cognitive efficiency, which investigates the role of optimal cognition when considering the costs related to learning such as working memory limitations and strategy use. —Dr. Hoffman is co-creator and former program director of UCF’s highly coveted Applied Learning and Instruction Master’s program and the American Educational Research Association 2016 Division C co-chair for research in motivation and cognition. He was program co-chair in 2011 for Division 15 of the American Psychological Association #APA and serves on several journal editorial boards including Contemporary Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology Review, and Educational Technology, Research & Development. More info on Dr. Hoffman at and the UCF faculty page or through Google Scholar
Actress Cheryl Hines – Gregory Schraw PhD from University of Nevada, Las Vegas #UNLV – The First writers of the #10000hours theory Dr. K Anders Ericsson and Dr. Neil Charness from Florida State University #FSU – Richard M. Ryan PhD and Edward L Deci PhD and their paper on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation & Self Determination Theory from University of Rochester – Steven Pinker from Harvard University #Harvard – Gale M Sinatra from University of Southern California #USC – Hall of Fame Football Kicker Nick Lowery – Dr Rhonda Patrick – Dan Pink – Malcolm Gladwell – #u2me or